Colostrum Shower Gel

Colostrum Shower Gel

8,00 €
Product code col14


Shower gel with colostrum for daily care of the body is suitable for all skin types. It contains colostrum, hemp oil and a mixture of specially selected natural ingredients. All used ingredients are biodegradable and non-toxic for the environment. Colostrum, contained in the shower gel, balances microbial flora and fully replaces silk, which gives a sense of softness and pleasant freshness. Colostrum also supplies the necessary ingredients for the vitality of the skin and regenerates skin cells (anti-aging effect). Hemp oil slows down the aging process of the skin, hydrates and softens. It also has strong anti-inflammatory and antibacterial effect. Foaming function of shower gel is ensuring relatively new ingredient in the market - laurylpolyglucosid. It is a substance obtained from extracts of corn and coconut oil which produces rich, dense and very stable foam. This combination is ideal for people with sensitive skin. Shower gel has a high capability to remove impurities from the skin surface thanks to great quality washing substances, which have excellent self-emulsifying properties. It ensures complete absorption between two immiscible liquids (water, oil) and allows ideal mixing of these substances. The glucose content in washing substances guarantees the highest possible softness of the shower gel. Thanks to appropriate ingredients, the shower gel has no sensitivity to water hardness. This leads to efficient maintaining of excellent cleaning performance, as there is no precipitation of insoluble calcium components.

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